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Posts by category
- Category: Drug Use
My Templates
- Do you accept payment by credit card?
- What is the shelf life of your drug testing products?
- Is there a minimum order that I must place?
- If I receive a positive drug test result, what should I do?
- How accurate are your drug-testing products?
- What is the difference between a Dip Card Test and an Integrated Cup Test?
- How do your rapid drug tests work?
- Which drugs can be found with your tests?
- Why should I use a rapid drug test?
- What do you mean by a rapid drug test?
- Is drug testing at home really that simple?
- Can one test be used for all the possible drugs of abuse?
- Do you think I could test positive for marijuana (THC) from exposure to second-hand smoke?
- If a drug test shows positive, can it be proved how long ago the drug was taken?
- Will substances that I use regularly like vitamins, penicillin, aspirin and caffeine affect the results in any way?
- What are the drug detection times in the body?
- What are the cut-off levels for drugs in your tests?
- What percentage of random tests should be conducted each year for an employer to maintain an effective deterrence and detection program?
- I am an employee (for example, truck driver, merchant mariner, pilot, etc) covered under the DOT regulations. Can you give me specific information on the DOT regulations?
- In a multi-drug test, how will I know which drug tests positive?
- Is there a way to get a sample without my child's knowledge?
- What should I do if my child tests positive for drugs or alcohol?
- At what age should I begin randomly drug testing my child?
- At what age should I sit down with my children to discuss the dangers of drugs?